Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Back From SA and Argentina

Going for a holiday is fun and all but really tiring when school is about to reopen in a couple of weeks.SA is 6hrs behind M'sia and Argentina is 11hrs behind M'sia.So right now, i'm having jetlag like crazy and probably won't be sleeping or won't have good sleep for the whole night.Just came back this morning at 9am and slept till like 6pm.skipped lunch.had dinner at like 7pm.hmph..still can't sleep and it's like 2am now.sad la.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The last CF for the year

This friday will be the last CF so they thought of doing something special (I do not know what).It would be held at Dewan Sumbangsih.Same timing.Please come.I have a feeling it would be awesome so i'm really excited.However,i'm a little upset that it's the last CF =/ But god would always stay in our hearts =) no matter what.Come anyway! God bless! =D

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Can't wait 2 go Perth

As a matter of fact,I don't get why i'm so excited to go Perth. According to my dad,I've been to more than 15 countries as I've been travelling since I was about 3 or 4. Probably because now i'm much older to understand stuff I used to think was boring n I had never appreciated anything other countries had to offer besides snow...however,now,i'm more into stuff about old buildings and historical facts..somehow.Besides,there are family friends in Perth 2 visit.One thing I would always regret is how I travelled when I was so young that there is no memories of places like Munich and Adelaide...I hardly can even remember anything about countries I visited at the young age of 7 or 8 such as New Zealand and Switzerland,Zurich.Heck, I'd even be lucky 2 remember anything about places like Japan,China,Egypt,Dubai and Colombo.Well but now that I am 13 and would at least remember 95% of Perth,I'm going to try to find out every single thing I can about Perth.I pray that The Father will bless my family and the Lee family travelling together with us so that we will have a safe journey to and from Perth =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Simply Unbelievable

It seems like it was just yesterday when I was talking 2 my best friend on the phone about how secondary school life would be,how we'd go 2 a whole new level,how we'd be a teenager already..or more like an adolescent but it was so exciting back then going 2 a whole new sch where u r the youngest n u don't really have 2 look out 4 ppl younger than u n such...but now..a year has passed n we soon realise that how the school is is not at all like how we put it out 2 be n that it is entirely different..then next year starts n we will be the seniors 4 afternoon session n then year 2010 ends n 2011 begins..PMR year(the hectic one) n that's when we will realise that we should have enjoyed everyday of our Form 1 n Form 2 years 2 the max n thank god 4 everyday miracles.For ex. for having a 'today'.So from this day onwards,I am definitely gonna live life 2 the fullest n never cry over spilt milk as every single day is an absolute miracle=)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wudo Grading

Right now..i'm yellow green belt 4 wudo n hoping 2 at least get A promotion 2 become green belt.Wudo means alot 2 me n I have actually been practising like crazy 4 this day.During grading 2day,I became so tense n nervous because my seniors were doing the 1st n 2nd combo(Wudo 1 n Wudo 2)so well that I guess I screwed up abit =/But as 1 friend of mine said, Do ur best n live the rest 2 god n HE will bless ya..haha, I hope that actually works =) Wish me luck! =D

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Exams are hogging up all my time la

Haha,the reason i haven't been updating my blog lately is coz i've been hitting the books..exam pressure..I always get so stress when exams r coming even though i'm only form 1..well, this exam has more pressure on me coz not only is it the last exam but my dad promised me guitar n piano lessons n of coz a guitar n piano..well,actually,I wanted 2 take up guitar only but it came in a package=p Guitar n piano coz according 2 dad,piano is really important n i actually kinda agree with him...haha...well,any1 taking pmr or spm this year,good luck,all the best n god bless ya!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


haha..just bout 3 days ago, my classroom dustbin(1 omega & 4 alpha)had bees in it coz many ppl threw sweet stuff inthe dustbin n as we all know,bees are naturally attracted 2 sweet stuff so the bees were like technically disturbing ppl who were seated at the back(the dustbin's at the back)so eventually we had 2 switch class n go 2 1 sigma..haha..although at that time 1 sigma students weren't in the class 4 some reason I don't know...but the thing is..that b4 we went,some malay boys in our class were playing with the whiteboard like shaking it a little la..so the whole whiteboard dropped n gave us all a sudden heart attack!! N pn.chai ordered them 2 put it up back..god knows how they did it..but they managed..probably our class is the 1st form 1 class 2 have a whiteboard fall down..i don't actually know,i'm just guessing..haha..but overall I love bees,just that when they come near,I get so scared..but I thank god that HE created bees ABBA FATHER

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The kh skirt is done!!

Haha..the darn kh skirt is already done after mths n mths of hard work..ok..i'm exagerating..it's just bout weeks..but 'some people' were hogging the sewing machine in school..so 'kek sei lang'..I didn't even get 2 sew abit also but during this holidays, I went 2 kar peng's aunty's hse n my skirt was halfway done but my dad came 2 pick me up..so sien lor..have 2 go back the next day..next day also, just a lil bit left but my dad won't sent me anymore 2 kp's hse=( haha..but actually most of the time we were chit-chatting n not actually doing the skirt n when i used the sewing machine also, I accidentally sewed 2 of the cloth 2gether..that time I wanted 2 sei ady...so have 2 take out n sew again then after that the jarum patah...haiz so many problems with the machine...lol...but in the end, grace so nice, she brought my skirt home 2 sew n then she will pass 2 ziyan n ziyan pass me in school lor..so thx so much grace,ziyan n kp 4 helping me in my skirt=)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My pan mee History

2 begin, I started eating pan mee when I was only 9 years old n I loved it!! I'd ask my mum 2 bring me 2 eat pan mee almost every single day. One day, as I was eating, I saw the chef picking his nose n I was really disgusted. The most wonderful food I ever tasted suddenly tasted yucky 2 me..hahah..could u actually blame me? I mean the guy was actually PICKING HIS NOSE n the worst part was that after he did THAT, he continued cooking!! I never went there again..seriously..then, after a while, I started eating pan mee again but at a different restaurant..this restaurant was really clean..n my love 4 pan mee grew again n I still eat there..but unfortunately 4 me, my parents 1ted 2 try pan mee at a new place 2day at SS19, so I followed but this pan mee was horrible..there were noodles on the floor+chicken skin+vege that got stepped on like a thousand times..terrible..but I would always love pan mee no matter what!!!

Everything's ok!!

Hello!! I would actually like 2 thank some ppl 4 their help in my small problems=)well,now it's all fixed n im so happy...seriously..im very stupid in comp stuff as..erm..let's just say that I don't have much experience with comps 4 some long reason which may be hard 2 explain=p So thx u guys, 4 helping me!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

There's a small prob...

Whenever i post something,it will be like 'posted by .............at ...a.m. when it's actually p.m. The time is so wrong, like my last post entitled 'This is interesting 2 know'..they said it was at 2:34a.m. i think..around there lar..but it was actually 6:25p.m. but i don't actually know how 2 change the time..so a little help any1??

This is interesting 2 know!!

Ok..so just now my dad asked me 2 google the population of ppl in china n india so i did n it was fascinating..seriously..the population of ppl in india today is around 1.13 billion!! The population of ppl in china is even MORE..it EXCEEDS 1.25 billion.........n malaysia....huh..25.7 million..yup..BIG difference huh..n 2 imagine that i'm just 1 person out of the 25.7 million...n it reminds me of what one wise person said..he said that i may be one person but i can make a big difference..i can be the revolution as the revolution begins with me n as my fren said '2 the whole world,u may be one person but to one person,u may be the whole world..haha..touching huh..yup..im thinking 2 much..lolz..ya..i think im gonna stop now=D

Sunday, August 23, 2009

So long I have not written...

My god!!! I didn't realize it was so long since i blogged..bout a month?? Well,so much has happened since last month..well, 2 begin, i hav this fren who is head over heels over this guy...but this guy doesn't exactly like her...n talking bout guys..this guy told me tat he really liked me n i don't really know wat 2 do as i only like him as a fren..advice any1?? He told me on august 21st.Then i went 4 S.Y.A.T.P. and it was amazing!! We did many activities such as 'The Amazing Race'..that was awesome..we had 2 dip our hands in mud+water+sand+fertilizer+dead plants..2 find a glass stone..it was so disgusting..seriously..but it was sooooo FUN..we also had 2 drink some yucky juice that was made out of ROAR carrots,lemon,pear n sum other stuff all mixed 2gether..so disgusting u know!!!it was sumthin like cf camp except i didn't go but ppl have told me the details bout it..im so sad i didn't go n i bet that this 'Amazing Race' wasn't half as good as cf camp =( lol but im glad i went 4 S.Y.A.T.P.!!!!! It was a blast!!! Lastly, now is the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!! That is actually why i have soooo much time..haha=)

Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, I have not blogged for a week already..haha..during this week,my friends have been telling me their problems with this girl i know..i mean she does have attitude problems..n my friends are quite fed up with her..i can't actually blame them coz she is kinda always making me angry too..but i guess that is just the way she is n she can't just change in a blink of an eye but i do hope that she will change for the better..as for today..this guy apparently told me "I Love You" but he said it in chinese..and I can't actually understand chinese although i am a chinese girl..lol..n i thought he was sayin "how r u" so i said "i'm fine" n i walked away..the guy must think i'm an idiot now..haha..n he was asking me for an answer..i just don't know what to say...

Friday, July 24, 2009

I am so touched...

2day during cf, i watched this amazing video about a woman who really suffered badly when she was a teenager..its true..it was about how she n her sisters suffered physical abuse when she was a teenager..n she overcomed it by letting god in her life..it was so amazing tat i cried..seriously..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fire drill..spot check..

2day during pj time..the bell rang so damn long..sumore so loud..then i realise that it was the fire drill..had 2 stand in the padang so long..though it was quite fun seeing the firemen put out the fire..hahah..oh n then b4 that got spot check AGAIN!!They juz had it last week n they took away my highlighter!!What so wrong about bringing a highlighter 2 school??I juz don't get that..hmph

Monday, July 20, 2009


2day after school was the most embarassing part...every1 is telling me that this guy likes me..I saw him after school..n iaina is 1 of them who said that he likes me..the guy knows iaina 2..he went 2 iaina 2 talk 2 her and the moment he came up 2 iaina..she said..VYONA!!!..look who is here..I was like..ohmigosh,ohmigosh n she was laughing..so i said "wait,2moro i cekik u..n she was like.."Do it now la..so i juz went away 2 hide my face..I was hoping that there was a big mountain of sand so i could hide my face there..n from far..i heard iaina saying.."Ask her out la"..n he called my name 4 a while but i ignored..so embarassing la!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Boring Day...

2day will be so boring la..coz i would HAVE 2 finish my schoolwork by 2day=(..but its not much so probably i'd finish it by like..5pm coz i did not even eat lunch yet..haha..


I'm so happy 2day!!I got double promotion 4 wudo, from a mere white belt to yellow-green belt!!haha..I guess all those hard work and effort finally paid off in the end..I never imagined that i could ever get double promotion..i'd even be lucky 2 get A promotion..I couldn't even do wudo 1 properly during the grading!Now i'm only learning wudo 2..haha..wudo 2 is suppose 2 be learned when sum1 is still yellow belt..but since i'm yellow-green..i better learn fast n catch up coz soon i'll be learning wudo 3..wow!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

About Me!!!

I'm just an average gal..not too popular....not too invisible..haha..not too pretty..not too ugly..hahah..I'm happy sometimes sad..like a normal person...dealing with problems..the challenges of life..its kinda difficult coz sometimes stuff just don't go my way but i'm quite sure every1's life is also pretty much like mine..during my free time..i like to..erm..chat with frens..watch the telly..read novels..shopping!!!!!....practise wushu..lol...i love watching n reading twilight..hehe..I heard 17 again is a great movie so i'm looking forward 2 tat..i guess tats all..oh..oh..i'm taurus..hahahahaha..ok..i'm done 4 now...

I Made A Blog!!!

Today is the first day i'm blogging..hahah..I heard its something like a diary but its more zaman kini...diary is like zaman purba..so i'm kinda new 2 it..hahah