Saturday, August 29, 2009

The kh skirt is done!!

Haha..the darn kh skirt is already done after mths n mths of hard work..ok..i'm's just bout weeks..but 'some people' were hogging the sewing machine in 'kek sei lang'..I didn't even get 2 sew abit also but during this holidays, I went 2 kar peng's aunty's hse n my skirt was halfway done but my dad came 2 pick me sien lor..have 2 go back the next day also, just a lil bit left but my dad won't sent me anymore 2 kp's hse=( haha..but actually most of the time we were chit-chatting n not actually doing the skirt n when i used the sewing machine also, I accidentally sewed 2 of the cloth 2gether..that time I wanted 2 sei have 2 take out n sew again then after that the jarum patah...haiz so many problems with the in the end, grace so nice, she brought my skirt home 2 sew n then she will pass 2 ziyan n ziyan pass me in school thx so much grace,ziyan n kp 4 helping me in my skirt=)