Sunday, August 23, 2009

So long I have not written...

My god!!! I didn't realize it was so long since i blogged..bout a month?? Well,so much has happened since last month..well, 2 begin, i hav this fren who is head over heels over this guy...but this guy doesn't exactly like her...n talking bout guys..this guy told me tat he really liked me n i don't really know wat 2 do as i only like him as a fren..advice any1?? He told me on august 21st.Then i went 4 S.Y.A.T.P. and it was amazing!! We did many activities such as 'The Amazing Race'..that was awesome..we had 2 dip our hands in mud+water+sand+fertilizer+dead plants..2 find a glass was so disgusting..seriously..but it was sooooo FUN..we also had 2 drink some yucky juice that was made out of ROAR carrots,lemon,pear n sum other stuff all mixed disgusting u know!!!it was sumthin like cf camp except i didn't go but ppl have told me the details bout so sad i didn't go n i bet that this 'Amazing Race' wasn't half as good as cf camp =( lol but im glad i went 4 S.Y.A.T.P.!!!!! It was a blast!!! Lastly, now is the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!! That is actually why i have soooo much time..haha=)