Sunday, October 18, 2009

Simply Unbelievable

It seems like it was just yesterday when I was talking 2 my best friend on the phone about how secondary school life would be,how we'd go 2 a whole new level,how we'd be a teenager already..or more like an adolescent but it was so exciting back then going 2 a whole new sch where u r the youngest n u don't really have 2 look out 4 ppl younger than u n such...but now..a year has passed n we soon realise that how the school is is not at all like how we put it out 2 be n that it is entirely different..then next year starts n we will be the seniors 4 afternoon session n then year 2010 ends n 2011 begins..PMR year(the hectic one) n that's when we will realise that we should have enjoyed everyday of our Form 1 n Form 2 years 2 the max n thank god 4 everyday miracles.For ex. for having a 'today'.So from this day onwards,I am definitely gonna live life 2 the fullest n never cry over spilt milk as every single day is an absolute miracle=)