Saturday, August 29, 2009

The kh skirt is done!!

Haha..the darn kh skirt is already done after mths n mths of hard work..ok..i'm's just bout weeks..but 'some people' were hogging the sewing machine in 'kek sei lang'..I didn't even get 2 sew abit also but during this holidays, I went 2 kar peng's aunty's hse n my skirt was halfway done but my dad came 2 pick me sien lor..have 2 go back the next day also, just a lil bit left but my dad won't sent me anymore 2 kp's hse=( haha..but actually most of the time we were chit-chatting n not actually doing the skirt n when i used the sewing machine also, I accidentally sewed 2 of the cloth 2gether..that time I wanted 2 sei have 2 take out n sew again then after that the jarum patah...haiz so many problems with the in the end, grace so nice, she brought my skirt home 2 sew n then she will pass 2 ziyan n ziyan pass me in school thx so much grace,ziyan n kp 4 helping me in my skirt=)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My pan mee History

2 begin, I started eating pan mee when I was only 9 years old n I loved it!! I'd ask my mum 2 bring me 2 eat pan mee almost every single day. One day, as I was eating, I saw the chef picking his nose n I was really disgusted. The most wonderful food I ever tasted suddenly tasted yucky 2 me..hahah..could u actually blame me? I mean the guy was actually PICKING HIS NOSE n the worst part was that after he did THAT, he continued cooking!! I never went there again..seriously..then, after a while, I started eating pan mee again but at a different restaurant..this restaurant was really clean..n my love 4 pan mee grew again n I still eat there..but unfortunately 4 me, my parents 1ted 2 try pan mee at a new place 2day at SS19, so I followed but this pan mee was horrible..there were noodles on the floor+chicken skin+vege that got stepped on like a thousand times..terrible..but I would always love pan mee no matter what!!!

Everything's ok!!

Hello!! I would actually like 2 thank some ppl 4 their help in my small problems=)well,now it's all fixed n im so very stupid in comp stuff as..erm..let's just say that I don't have much experience with comps 4 some long reason which may be hard 2 explain=p So thx u guys, 4 helping me!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

There's a small prob...

Whenever i post something,it will be like 'posted by ...a.m. when it's actually p.m. The time is so wrong, like my last post entitled 'This is interesting 2 know'..they said it was at 2:34a.m. i think..around there lar..but it was actually 6:25p.m. but i don't actually know how 2 change the a little help any1??

This is interesting 2 know!! just now my dad asked me 2 google the population of ppl in china n india so i did n it was fascinating..seriously..the population of ppl in india today is around 1.13 billion!! The population of ppl in china is even EXCEEDS 1.25 billion.........n malaysia....huh..25.7 million..yup..BIG difference huh..n 2 imagine that i'm just 1 person out of the 25.7 million...n it reminds me of what one wise person said..he said that i may be one person but i can make a big difference..i can be the revolution as the revolution begins with me n as my fren said '2 the whole world,u may be one person but to one person,u may be the whole world..haha..touching thinking 2 much..lolz..ya..i think im gonna stop now=D

Sunday, August 23, 2009

So long I have not written...

My god!!! I didn't realize it was so long since i blogged..bout a month?? Well,so much has happened since last month..well, 2 begin, i hav this fren who is head over heels over this guy...but this guy doesn't exactly like her...n talking bout guys..this guy told me tat he really liked me n i don't really know wat 2 do as i only like him as a fren..advice any1?? He told me on august 21st.Then i went 4 S.Y.A.T.P. and it was amazing!! We did many activities such as 'The Amazing Race'..that was awesome..we had 2 dip our hands in mud+water+sand+fertilizer+dead plants..2 find a glass was so disgusting..seriously..but it was sooooo FUN..we also had 2 drink some yucky juice that was made out of ROAR carrots,lemon,pear n sum other stuff all mixed disgusting u know!!!it was sumthin like cf camp except i didn't go but ppl have told me the details bout so sad i didn't go n i bet that this 'Amazing Race' wasn't half as good as cf camp =( lol but im glad i went 4 S.Y.A.T.P.!!!!! It was a blast!!! Lastly, now is the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!! That is actually why i have soooo much time..haha=)