Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, I have not blogged for a week already..haha..during this week,my friends have been telling me their problems with this girl i know..i mean she does have attitude problems..n my friends are quite fed up with her..i can't actually blame them coz she is kinda always making me angry too..but i guess that is just the way she is n she can't just change in a blink of an eye but i do hope that she will change for the for today..this guy apparently told me "I Love You" but he said it in chinese..and I can't actually understand chinese although i am a chinese i thought he was sayin "how r u" so i said "i'm fine" n i walked away..the guy must think i'm an idiot now..haha..n he was asking me for an answer..i just don't know what to say...

Friday, July 24, 2009

I am so touched...

2day during cf, i watched this amazing video about a woman who really suffered badly when she was a teenager..its was about how she n her sisters suffered physical abuse when she was a teenager..n she overcomed it by letting god in her was so amazing tat i cried..seriously..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fire check..

2day during pj time..the bell rang so damn long..sumore so loud..then i realise that it was the fire drill..had 2 stand in the padang so long..though it was quite fun seeing the firemen put out the fire..hahah..oh n then b4 that got spot check AGAIN!!They juz had it last week n they took away my highlighter!!What so wrong about bringing a highlighter 2 school??I juz don't get that..hmph

Monday, July 20, 2009


2day after school was the most embarassing part...every1 is telling me that this guy likes me..I saw him after school..n iaina is 1 of them who said that he likes me..the guy knows iaina 2..he went 2 iaina 2 talk 2 her and the moment he came up 2 iaina..she said..VYONA!!!..look who is here..I was like..ohmigosh,ohmigosh n she was i said "wait,2moro i cekik u..n she was like.."Do it now i juz went away 2 hide my face..I was hoping that there was a big mountain of sand so i could hide my face there..n from far..i heard iaina saying.."Ask her out la"..n he called my name 4 a while but i embarassing la!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Boring Day...

2day will be so boring la..coz i would HAVE 2 finish my schoolwork by 2day=(..but its not much so probably i'd finish it by like..5pm coz i did not even eat lunch yet..haha..


I'm so happy 2day!!I got double promotion 4 wudo, from a mere white belt to yellow-green belt!!haha..I guess all those hard work and effort finally paid off in the end..I never imagined that i could ever get double promotion..i'd even be lucky 2 get A promotion..I couldn't even do wudo 1 properly during the grading!Now i'm only learning wudo 2..haha..wudo 2 is suppose 2 be learned when sum1 is still yellow belt..but since i'm yellow-green..i better learn fast n catch up coz soon i'll be learning wudo!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

About Me!!!

I'm just an average gal..not too popular....not too invisible..haha..not too pretty..not too ugly..hahah..I'm happy sometimes a normal person...dealing with problems..the challenges of life..its kinda difficult coz sometimes stuff just don't go my way but i'm quite sure every1's life is also pretty much like mine..during my free time..i like with the!!!!!....practise love watching n reading twilight..hehe..I heard 17 again is a great movie so i'm looking forward 2 tat..i guess tats all..oh..oh..i'm taurus..hahahahaha..ok..i'm done 4 now...

I Made A Blog!!!

Today is the first day i'm blogging..hahah..I heard its something like a diary but its more zaman kini...diary is like zaman i'm kinda new 2 it..hahah