Monday, April 26, 2010

Finally updating =]

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while.It's just that whenever I go online,the internet connection only lasts for a while.Besides,most of the time,the only time I can go online is at night.Wow,it never hit me that internet was actually something so important to me.Anyway,when I go online,I don't want to waste my time blogging because I type really slow.You wouldn't believe how long I take to type a sentence.However,lately,I think i had enough practice because of my sejarah folio which I just managed to finish about a day ago and I'm going to continue my practice through blogging.Sometimes,I actually envy those of you guys who manage to type so fast

Anyway,lately,I have been sacrificing my leisure and alone time to complete my schoolwork,sejarah folio( I thank god that it's done through I still have my sivik folio to go ) There's also NIE and I am completely and constantly lacking ideas.We also don't know how to make it stand out,be different and unique at the same time.We don't want it to just look like another newspaper.However,as I said,I have no ideas.

Before I forget,the gotong royong was awesome.Everyone had like so much 'semangat' in them.We made a 'sudut nilam' and teacher is asking for novels for the sudut nilam but I can't bring myself to part with my novels.The only ones i don't mind donating are my old,childish ones and I don't think teacher would want it.We cleaned the tables with thinner so those scribbles would come off.My hand got burned by the thinner.TWICE! By the time we left our class,It looked cleaner than ever.I also had loads of fun cleaning up the cf taman called Taman Wawasan.

oh ya,my friends and i visited our old school yesterday for their sports day and I never realized that my old school was so tiny especially since i'm in SU! N i'm typing extra today to improve on my typing speed and also because I haven't blogged lately.Now my fingers kinda hurt.......