Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Exams are hogging up all my time la

Haha,the reason i haven't been updating my blog lately is coz i've been hitting the books..exam pressure..I always get so stress when exams r coming even though i'm only form 1..well, this exam has more pressure on me coz not only is it the last exam but my dad promised me guitar n piano lessons n of coz a guitar n piano..well,actually,I wanted 2 take up guitar only but it came in a package=p Guitar n piano coz according 2 dad,piano is really important n i actually kinda agree with him...haha...well,any1 taking pmr or spm this year,good luck,all the best n god bless ya!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


haha..just bout 3 days ago, my classroom dustbin(1 omega & 4 alpha)had bees in it coz many ppl threw sweet stuff inthe dustbin n as we all know,bees are naturally attracted 2 sweet stuff so the bees were like technically disturbing ppl who were seated at the back(the dustbin's at the back)so eventually we had 2 switch class n go 2 1 sigma..haha..although at that time 1 sigma students weren't in the class 4 some reason I don't know...but the thing is..that b4 we went,some malay boys in our class were playing with the whiteboard like shaking it a little the whole whiteboard dropped n gave us all a sudden heart attack!! N pn.chai ordered them 2 put it up back..god knows how they did it..but they managed..probably our class is the 1st form 1 class 2 have a whiteboard fall down..i don't actually know,i'm just guessing..haha..but overall I love bees,just that when they come near,I get so scared..but I thank god that HE created bees ABBA FATHER